February 15th join Town & Gown for Dr. Ann Larabee’s presentation: The Dynamite Fiend: A Tale of Terror in the 19th Century. Dr. Ann Larabee (English Department) has written extensively on cultural responses to technological disasters (from the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster to the Bhopal chemical leak). She will be talking about her fascinating book, The Dynamite Fiend, which is a biography of a Confederate agent who attempted to use a time bomb to blow up transatlantic passenger ships.
AgeAlive’s Senior Ambassadors: Town and Gown Series.
Tues, Feb 22, 2022 5pm – 6:20pm Eastern Time - New York
Join Zoom Meeting: https://msu.zoom.us/j/93436186072
Passcode: Town&Gown
Please call John at 517 775 0899 if you have any questions or difficulties logging in.