The Fischbach Library is devoted to the support of the theological, spiritual and educational literacy and programs in keeping with the spirit of The Peoples Church of East Lansing (TPC). The mission of the Library Ministry is to serve as a resource and reference center offering materials that will help enrich lives, deepen spiritual and educational literacy and programs that are in keeping with the spirit of understanding and offer spiritual nourishment and growth to individuals and congregational groups. The library is open to all members of our congregation and community.
The mission of the church library is to provide resources that celebrate our faith tradition, expand our understanding and knowledge of the church, challenge us to grow in our personal and collective faith journeys, increase social awareness, foster an appreciation of literature, and provide entertainment while honoring the virtues we value as Christians: those of love, encouragement, inspiration, appreciation for diversity, wisdom, insight, humor and hope.
The Fischbach Library is a place where individuals and families can find information that uplifts spirits and enlightens minds. The collection includes volumes on a variety of topics including history of religion, theology, Bible study materials, spiritual growth, reference books, periodicals, biographies, Christian fiction as well as a substantial selection of children's books.
The library has an interesting history. In 1926, the city of East Lansing was looking to form a public library but it needed a space to call home. Church member Myra Johnson, along with some of her study group friends, worked to make the new library become a reality. She was its first librarian and subsequently prevailed upon the Elders to donate space for the East Lansing library in the church building. That space later formed the basis for a church library.
The library was initially located in a room near the north entrance of the church. After a few years, the fledgling East Lansing library was given its own space in a building that also housed the East Lansing fire house and, in 1930 the public book collection was moved to the new space. Myra's son, Dr. Dick Johnson, recalls the day all the books were loaded on to trucks and taken to the fire house. Myra continued to serve as church librarian for many years afterwards, helping to build and expand the initial collection of materials that became The Peoples Church Library
In 1965, the church suffered a devastating fire and it was subsequently rebuilt and he internal space reconfigured. The library was eventually relocated to its current space, which was previously known as the Fireside Room.
The library as it stands today was named in honor of Rev. Julius Fischbach who served as Associate Pastor of The Peoples Church from 1972 to 1980.
Before Dr. Fischbach joined TPC he served for 25 years as the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lansing, retiring in 1961. Two weeks after his "retirement" he filled the first of 14 interim pastorates. He was later recruited by Senior Pastor Walter Robertson to come to The Peoples Church.
Dr. Fiscbach and his wife Mildred were beloved members of the Lansing community, leading many civic and religious organizations. For several decades Dr. Fischbach even hosted a local radio program. He was a strong booster of the arts and was an accomplished musician, author and artist in his own right. In fact, one of the first art exhibits to be displayed at by the TPC Fine Arts Council were 26 oil paintings and ink sketches from his own collection. In his early days at TPC he would often make chalk drawings to illustrate his sermon of the day.
Dr. Fischbach also felt strongly that children were important to the life of the church and should be included in the worship service. He always prepared a children's story to go along with his main sermon. Over time this became known as "The Children's Moment," which continues to this day. He also wrote seven books including four of children's sermons, which can still be found in the library. In this spirit, the library collection includes a special section for children.
Normal hours for the library are from 8:30 am to Noon on Sundays and 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Wednesdays; and unless otherwise scheduled for events or meetings. Contact the church office for current availability. To schedule another type of event for the library space contact the Facility Director, Zack Matthews on our contact page.
The Library holds several special events each year:
Used Book Sale - Each year in May, coinciding with the East Lansing Arts Festival, the Library holds a used book sale in Snider Hall as a fund-raiser. The books have been donated by church members and friends of the library, or retired from the active collection. Hundreds of titles on a wide range of topics are available.
Children's Reading Events ‒ Twice a year the library hosts a special reading hour for children in which one of the TPC pastors reads a book to them and then gives each child in attendance a book.
Learn about what the Fischbach Library Committee does here.