The Council of Elders is the governing body of The Peoples Church. It is made up of 17 representatives elected from the active membership to serve three-year terms. It is responsible for the spiritual, financial, physical and overall welfare of the church and assists the pastors in administering the sacraments or ordinances.
The Council of Elders meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Robertson Room. All members of The Peoples Church community are welcome to attend, or contact the chair (or another elder) prior to a monthly meeting to be included as part of an evening's agenda.
The Peoples Church is looking for members of the church who would like to serve as an elder or a member of the Nominations Committee:
Council of Elders (Three-year term): The Elder Council is responsible for the spiritual, physical, and overall welfare of the church. The council is comprised of 15 members, the clerk, and the treasurer, all of which are elected from active members of the church at the annual Fall Election Meeting. In addition, there is one representative selected from each denomination. The typical meeting schedule of the council includes a ministry meeting on the second or third Tuesday of each month, and the elders’ meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Elders are elected to serve a three-year term and can serve two terms consecutively. New members take office January 1.
Nomination Committee (Two-year term): The Nomination Committee is comprised of eight members and typically meets annually in August to recruit and select candidates for the Elder Council and the Nomination Committee slate for the congregation to vote on during the Fall Election Meeting. Members are selected to serve two-year terms, and must take a year off before serving again on the committee.
If you are interested in committing to either the Council of Elders or Nomination Committee, you can fill out an interest form by clicking the link above.
To view the ministry (committee) summary, please click here.
Class: Member: Position:
2027 ———— Hunter Johnson —————— Finance Ministry
2027 ———- Owen Ronk ——————— Christian Education Ministry
2027 ———— David Stowe —————— Campus Engagement Ministry
2027 ———— Tom Wilbur ——————— Personnel Ministry
2027 ———— Beth Lundy ———————— Clerk
2027 ———— Jon Lundy ————————- Treasurer, Finance Ministry
2026 ———— Gary Dawson ——————— Finance Ministry
2026 ———— Traci Dudley ——————— Welcome Ministry
2026 ———— Jim McClurken ———————- Secretary, Building & Grounds
2026 ———— Bob Steinkamp ————————— Welcome Ministry
2026 ———— Bob Watson ———————- Building & Grounds
2025 ———— Emily Anderson ———————- Chair of Elders
2025 ———— Sarah Dymond ————————- Worship Ministry
2025 ———— Susan Godfrey ———————- Vice-Chair of Elders, Christian Education Ministry
2025 ———— Erick Mackey ———————- Community Engagement Ministry
2025 ———— Kim Gools ——————- Campus Engagement Ministry
2025 ———— Sarah Dymond ——————- Worship Ministry
2025 ———— Jeff Mason ——————- Personnel Ministry
Ex-Officio Member:
Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe———————Senior Pastor
Rev. Haley Hansen——————————Associate Pastor
Non-Elder Ministry Chairs:
Cathy Lancaster————————————Archives Committee
Kari Naghtin——————————————Campus Committee
Kim Gools————————————————Community Engagement
Susan Kilmer——————————————Earth Stewardship Committee
Greg Ware ———————————————Finance Committee
Mary Anne Larzelere——————————Peace & Justice Committee
Julie Pierce ———————————————Welcome Ministry
Penny Swartz——————————————Worship Ministry
Kyle Dymond—————————————— Stewardship Campaign
Below is a list of all of the Ministries we have at The Peoples Church. Click on the Ministry to see the Minutes from their meetings.