To apply, complete the Application for Enrollment and return it to the preschool office in person or by mail.
A $85 application fee per child must accompany all applications. An application is not valid without the application fee. Please write checks to The Peoples Church.
For current enrollment availability, please call the Preschool office at 517.332.2885. If you have questions about how the application and wait list process works, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions handout.
Please feel free to call the office at 517.332.2885 to schedule a tour of our facilities and program. We welcome visitors and can accommodate most schedules. Please note: The preschool has quiet hours between 12:30-3:00 pm when many children are napping. Tours during this time may be limited to respect resting children.
Our program opens for families at 7:10 am. Programming ends at 5:45 pm (pick up allowed until 6:00 pm).
For detailed information about our school's policies and procedures, please see the Parent Handbook.
Full-time, Year-Round Early Childhood Classes
Infants, Toddlers, Twos, Preschool 1, Preschool 2, and Junior Kindergarten
Children advance to the next classroom based upon developmental readiness and enrollment space in the next classroom.
Weekly and daily schedules available for most classrooms (2, 3 or 5 days a week; excluding infants).
Children enrolled in our Preschool 2 classroom (and older) must be completely toilet-trained prior to joining the class.
The Michigan Department of Public Health requires a physical examination and up-to-date immunization record on file with us upon entering preschool.
Children can enroll at any time during the year. Children attend class year round.
Junior Kindergarten (Year-round)
Children must be in their final year before entering kindergarten
Summer School-Age Program
Children who have completed Kindergarten through 12 years of age.
Programming for 2025 operates June to August.
Please contact the preschool office for a complete School Age enrollment packet.
Learn more about our current events and programming on our Facebook page!