Preschool - Four Year Olds

 Preschool Two

(Approximately 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years)

TPC Four Year Old Room.jpeg


The Preschool 2 classroom features a loft, a piano, a decortive tree, an indoor sandbox, and a large dramatic play area. It also also home to several exotic animals to observe and interact with: Blue (iguana), Akiki (ball python), and Raphael (corn snake). In addition to the indoor classroom, the children in Preschool 2 enjoy a full-size gymnasium and our Outdoor Classroom. The Outdoor Classroom features climbing equipment, an art easel, bongo drums, a playhouse, a garden, a stage, and a giant marimba.

Preschool 2 enjoys exceptional adult-to-child ratios. The National Association for the Education of Young Children suggests that an adult-to-child ratio for four year olds is 1 to 10. Our program provides a 1 to 8 adult-to-child ratio, or better.


Though every lesson plan created at Peoples Church Preschool is original, our school follows the guidance of Creative Curriculum. This curriculum divides lesson content into five areas: Cognitive, Creative, Social, Language, and Physical.

Preschool 2 teachers are also guided by The Project Approach when creating weekly lesson plans. The Project Approach requires teachers to observe, interact with, and listen to children in order to determine their interests and use that information to provide meaningful learning opportunities to extend learning in those areas. The Project Approach places weighted importance on field trips, as children are able to learn by experiencing real-life scenarios and working in a hands-on manner. Each week of observing the children and aligning the curriculum leads to the next week’s changes to the environment, hands-on manipulatives, and open-ended opportunities for creativity, exploration, and discovery.

MSU Students and Foster Grandparents

Preschool 2 is enriched by volunteers from local organizations. This includes individuals from the Foster Grandparent program and students from Michigan State University and Lansing Community College. All volunteers, as well as all staff members, at Peoples Church Preschool have extensive background checks completed. These individuals add strong curriculum enhancement by providing additional one-on-one attention to the children in this class.


We believe it is essential to incorporate nature into the lives of all children. Spending time outside is one of the best ways for children to develop their imagination, scientific inquiry skills, and physical health. As part of their curriculum, Preschool 2 incorporates classroom hikes. The teachers and children often visit Michigan State University's beautiful campus, which offers many paths, trees, plant and animal life, and green space for the children to investigate.