PLEDGING TO THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGNTo pledge a contribution to our capital campaign, please fill out the form below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### This pledge is new and in addition to any other existing pledges or contributions submitted to support the general budget and operations of The Peoples Church. Yes, this pledge is new. I would like my pledge to support (check one or more boxes): The unrestricted fund for the capital campaign's greatest need The restricted fund for the Social Hall projects The restricted fund for the Sanctuary projects The restricted fund for renovating and revoicing the organ The restricted fund for supporting the Impactful Community Outreach project If you checked more than one box above, please indicate in the box below what percentage or amount of your donation you want for each designation. Annual amount of $ I would like that annual giving to commence in 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Given over # of years (maximum of 5 years) Totaling to the $ amount of Are there other types of donations or gifts (i.e., securities, IRA distributions, etc.) you are interested in contributing? If so, please specify here. Please complete these final choices. This is a joint gift with my spouse/significant other. This contribution should be credited to my individual record. I / We wish our gift to be: Visible as a role model to others. I give permission for my/our name(s) to be listed on the church's website and elsewhere. Completely anonymous. The name will only be provided to the fundraising committee for acknowledgement. How would you like your name(s) to be listed in any relevant fundraising recognition (i.e., John and Mary Doe, Dr. and Mrs. John Doe, Ms. Mary Doe, etc.)? I would like to be contacted to discuss recognition opportunities: Yes No Signature (Full, legal name) * By typing my name below, I recognize that I am officially signing a document that will be used by the personnel of The Peoples Church for the purposes of the church's and Capital Campaign's financial records. NOTE: To learn more about donating via securities, or IRA, 401k, and similar distributions, please contact our finance administrator by calling (517) 908-4446. Thank you for pledging to our capital campaign! Your commitment means a great deal to us.