On My Mind: The Unseen Need

About this time of year, I start to dream about summer. Mostly, I’m thinking about tomato plants and trips to see my children. Neil has plans for re-landscaping the front yard. We also are looking forward to getting our kayaks out once the weather is nice. As the song goes: Summertime! And the livin’ is easy!

But that’s not true for everyone. I recently attended a presentation on homelessness in the greater Lansing area and I learned that one of the most important shelter programs may have to close this summer.

Advent House Ministries in Lansing is the ONLY shelter in the area that is open on weekends. It is a low-barrier shelter, meaning people who are suffering from mental illness or substance abuse issues are not turned away. But they do so much more than simply shelter people in need.

For over 30 years, Advent House has helped people move from

struggle to stability. They have adapted and evolved to meet the changing needs of the community. Advent House is dedicated to treating all people with compassion, dignity and understanding. They connect

individuals and families with services and resources, including housing assistance, case management, and food assistance. Advent House is all about equipping and supporting people in a way that leads to long-term success.

Federal and State funds for programs like Advent House were plentiful in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. But now, funds are drying up. The shelter’s finances are precarious, and it seems likely that the program will need to close during the summer months. I suppose this is better than closing during the winter months, but it is still a problem for our most vulnerable citizens, people for whom the livin’ is

never easy – summertime or wintertime.

The Peoples Church generously supports Advent House through our Community Engagement

Ministry. But there is only so much we can do within our finite resources. We have many organizations that need financial support. And so I turn to you, the church.

So before we head to the lake this summer or take off on a well-deserved vacation, perhaps we could consider making a donation to Advent House Ministries? No one gift will save the day, but together, we can do amazing things! Just as many hands make light work, many small gifts make a big difference.

Yours in faith,

             -Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe



From Our Associate Pastor: Faith


Portal Newsletter, May 2024