On My Mind:

June is Pride Month, when we recognize and celebrate our LGBTQ family. There will be parades and pageants and rainbow flags. As a church that strives to welcome all God’s children, we rejoice in the diversity of God’s creation and recommit ourselves to treating each person with the same love, respect and care that Christ has shown to each of us.

But let’s be clear: it isn’t easy.

It feels like the world is changing with unprecedented speed and it’s hard to keep up. Plus, we all have our own unique histories, experiences and values, and we all make our own assumptions and judgments. Human beings are so good at drawing lines, making sure that we are always on the right side of the line.

Here’s the catch: Jesus doesn’t draw lines like that. His ministry was all about erasing lines, extending welcome, and gathering all God’s beloved children into God’s kingdom. If we want to be the body of Christ in this place and time, then that is our ministry too. It’s more than flying a flag or a set of words. It’s about loving people as God loves us, with our words and our actions.

My prayer is that all people feel welcome at The Peoples Church!


Yours faithfully,
-Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe



From the Associate Pastor: On Baseball, Perfectionism, and the Gospel


On My Mind: